TMJ Services

#109 TMD/TMJ Disrupter versus the Status Quo

“Status Quo” is a Latin phrase meaning “The Existing State of Affairs”.    Let’s start by describing the current existing state of affairs regarding TMD/TMJ. No one, doctor and patient alike, will disagree that TMD/TMJ is a conundrum, a confusion, an enigma, and has been since the first description of the disease in medical literature in […]

#108 The Integration of Dentistry into Medicine and TMD/TMJ

“Status Quo” is a Latin phrase meaning “The Existing State of Affairs”.    Let’s start by describing the current existing state of affairs regarding TMD/TMJ. No one, doctor and patient alike, will disagree that TMD/TMJ is a conundrum, a confusion, an enigma, and has been since the first description of the disease in medical literature in […]

#107 “OMG, I Can’t Stand the Pain Anymore”

The title of this article is a quote from a recent patient sitting in our examination room during her TMD/TMJ consultation.  She had endured 20 years of headaches, earaches, neck pain, jaw pain, ringing in her ears, subjective hearing loss, vertigo, upper back and shoulder pain, arm hand finger tingling and numbness, and inability to […]

#106 Treating TMD is Easy when you Understand the Cause

TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a devastating disease, not just because the symptoms ruin the person’s ability to enjoy life, but because historically no one could figure out the mechanism causing the symptoms.  This left the patient without hope of finding a solution, which frequently created a feeling of depression, which exacerbated the fear and […]

#105 Successful TMD Treatment Relies on Patient Compliance

Having treated over 4000 TMD/TMJ patients successfully using a non-surgical device and protocol, I consider myself an expert on the problem.  I have experienced just about everything a doctor can experience treating this devastating disease.  I really enjoy the service we provide because of the frequent patients who thank me profusely, ask if they can […]

#104 TMD/TMJ and OSA, Why All the Confusion?

TMD/TMJ is the acronym for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder/Temporomandibular Joint, and OSA is the acronym for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.    TMD/TMJ is a disease seen most often in women and defined by its symptoms, including frequent and/or recurring headaches, earaches, neck pain, jaw pain, ringing in the ears, a feeling of fullness in the ears, vertigo, upper […]

#102 Screening for TMD/TMJ

Included with your annual or semiannual visit with your primary care physician you routinely do some lab tests.  Sometimes your physician wants you to give some blood, urine, or maybe some x-rays taken.  These tests are usually done as a method to screen for diseases that may or may not have already displayed symptoms.  They […]