TMJ Services
#5 Why all the Confusion Diagnosing and Treating TMD?
Now that you know what defines TMD and the three categories which create inflammation within the TMJ, it should be a pretty easy problem to fix. Right? If you can get rid of the inflammation in this joint, the symptoms will diminish. Then why aren’t the medical and dental professions able to do this predictably, […]
#4 Circumstances that Cause TMD (Continued)
Acute Trauma is the third circumstance that creates inflammation with the temporomandibular joint. Acute trauma comes in an infinite number of varieties. For the males the history will include bar fights, 4 X 4’s falling off the pick-up truck, and all kinds of amateur and professional sports. Females, on the other hand, frequently report incidences […]
#3 Circumstances that Cause TMD (Continued-#2)
The second circumstance, or more properly, set of circumstances that cause TMD is technically referred to as “Functional Malocclusion”. Let’s see if I can describe functional malocclusion in a way that will make sense to the reader who has no training in the medical sciences. Think of the chewing mechanism as a finely engineered and […]
#2 Circumstances that Cause TMD
My prior article defined TMD. It also described the common denominator responsible for all of TMD symptoms. INFLAMMATION! Next, we will cover the circumstances that create the inflammation of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) The first is the most common. Clenching and grinding of the teeth, voluntary or involuntary, day or night, causes inflammation of the […]
#1What is “TMJ” TMD?
There is much confusion about this disease by both patients and doctors. First on the list is the name. “TMJ” is the name of the joints that attach the jaw to the skull. One on the right side of the head and one on the left side of the head. These joints work together in […]
#54 “How Come No One Ever Told Me About This Before?” (Part2)
This is the second in a series of articles designed to answer the most common question asked by our patients after years or even decades of suffering life altering TMD/TMJ Symptoms. We often hear, “How come no ne ever told me about this before?” This article will focus on the influence of insurance companies. First, […]
#53 “How Come No One Ever Told Me About This Before?” (Part 1)
“How Come No One Ever Told Me About This Before” is a strange title for an article but is one of the most common statements heard from patients when they return for their first follow-up appointment after delivery of the Urbanek Device. This comment usually comes from patients with between 5 and 40 years of […]
#52 The Relationship between TMD/TMJ, Inflammation, and Sugar
I have previously discussed the common denominator of all the symptoms of TMD/TMJ is inflammation within the TM Joint. There is a lot we as doctors and scientists know about inflammation yet there are many unanswered questions. I have stated and firmly believe when we fully understand inflammation we will solve the mysteries of cancer, […]
#51 What Dentists Should Know About TMD/TMJ But Don’t
I have noted previously that dentists have been charged with treating TMD/TMJ by default. The medical profession did not want anything to do with treating the joints attached to the jaw which is the substructure for the teeth. Medical doctors do not want to have anything to do with teeth. That is unfortunate because, if […]
#50 What Physicians Should Know About TMD/TMJ But Don’t
As both a dentist (DDS), and a physician (MD) I understand and share equally the dental and medical professions with my dental and medical colleagues. Having spent most of my career as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in hospital operating rooms and hospital physician lounges talking shop with medical colleagues rather than in a dental […]