TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders are a family of problems related to your jaw joint. If you have had symptoms like pain or a “clicking” sound, you’ll be glad to know that these problems are more easily diagnosed and treated than they were in the past. These symptoms occur when the joints of the jaw and the chewing muscles do not work together correctly. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the name for each joint (right and left) that connects your jaw to your skull. Since some types of TMJ problems can lead to more serious conditions, early detection and treatment are important.

No one treatment can resolve TMJ disorders completely and treatment takes time to become effective. Dr. Urbanek and Dr. Urbina can help you have a healthier, more comfortable jaw.

Trouble with your jaw?

TMJ disorders develop for many reasons. You might clench or grind your teeth, tightening your jaw muscles and stressing your TM joint. You may have a damaged jaw joint due to injury or disease. Injuries and arthritis can damage the joint directly or stretch or tear the muscle ligaments. As a result, the disk, which is made of cartilage and functions as the “cushion” of the jaw joint, can slip out of position. Whatever the cause, the results may include a misaligned bite, pain, clicking, or grating noise when you open your mouth, or trouble opening your mouth wide.

Do You Have Jaw Pain You Think May be TMJ?
Schedule a TMJ evaluation Today

Call us: 615-771-1983

Do You Have a TMJ Disorder?

  • Are you aware of grinding or clenching your teeth?
  • Do you wake up with sore, stiff muscles around your jaws?
  • Do you have frequent headaches or neck aches?
  • Does the pain get worse when you clench your teeth?
  • Does stress make your clenching and pain worse?
  • Does your jaw click, pop, grate, catch, or lock when you open your mouth?
  • Is it difficult or painful to open your mouth, eat, or yawn?
  • Have you ever injured your neck, head, or jaws?
  • Have you had problems (such as arthritis) with other joints?
  • Do you have teeth that no longer touch when you bite?
  • Do your teeth meet differently from time to time?
  • Is it hard to use your front teeth to bite or tear food?
  • Are your teeth sensitive, loose, broken or worn?

The more times you answered “yes”, the more likely it is that you have a TMJ disorder. Understanding TMJ disorders will also help you understand how they are treated.

TMJ Treatment

There are various treatment options for TMJ that Drs. Urbanek and Urbina can utilize to improve the harmony and function of your jaw. Once an evaluation confirms a diagnosis of TMJ disorder, Drs. Urbanek or Urbina will determine the proper course of treatment. It is important to note that treatment always works best with a team approach of self-care combined with professional care.

The initial goals are to relieve the muscle spasms and joint pain. This is usually accomplished with a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxant. Steroids can be injected directly into the joints to reduce pain and inflammation. Self-care treatments can often be effective as well and include:

  • Resting your jaw
  • Keeping your teeth apart when you are not swallowing or eating
  • Eating soft foods
  • Applying ice and heat
  • Exercising your jaw
  • Practicing good posture

Stress management techniques such as biofeedback or physical therapy may also be recommended, as well as a temporary, clear plastic appliance known as a TMJ Device. A TMJ Device (or nightguard) fits over your top or bottom teeth and helps keep your teeth apart, thereby relaxing the muscles and reducing pain. There are different types of appliances used for different purposes. A nightguard helps you stop clenching or grinding your teeth and reduces muscle tension at night. It also helps to protect the cartilage and joint surfaces. An anterior positioning appliance moves your jaw forward, relieves pressure on parts of your jaw, and aids in disk repositioning. It may be worn 24 hours/day to help your jaw heal. An orthotic stabilization appliance is worn 24 hours/day, or just at night, to move your jaw into proper position. Appliances also help protect tooth wear.

What about bite correction or surgery?

If your TMJ disorder has caused problems with how your teeth fit together you may need treatment such as bite adjustment (equilibration), orthodontics with or without jaw reconstruction, or restorative dental work. Surgical options, such as arthroscopy and open joint repair restructuring, are sometimes needed, but are reserved for severe cases. Drs. Urbanek and Urbina do not consider TMJ surgery unless the jaw can’t open, is dislocated and non-reducible, has severe degeneration, or the patient has undergone appliance treatment unsuccessfully.

Ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Urbanek or Dr. Urbina?

Call our office at TMJ Services Office Phone Number 615-771-1983 or request an appointment online.

TMJ Services

5 out of 5 stars based on 923 TMJ reviews

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Came in with severe TMJ, which caused severe clicking and pain In my jaw for the last 4-5 years. The tightness in my jaw also has lead to tightness in my neck and shoulders. Since implementing Dr. Urbanek’s device in my everyday, my jaw clicking and pain was gone within 9 weeks, and by 13-19 weeks, my neck and shoulder tightness has also been greatly reduced. Overall, I feel the device has re-trained my jaw to stay relaxed, and not clenched through the day.

- Kensley Y

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

My overall symptoms have improved due to the use of the TMJ splint and support from Dr Urbanek and staff

- Mendy D

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Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I have struggled with loss of hearing for over 2 years. I have had sinus surgery and a tube put in my left ear. These procedures did not help . I also struggled with headaches, arm and shoulder pain to the point of physical therapy and dry needling in my wrist and arm. Nothing helped my pain or hearing. I was referred to Dr. Urbanek by my dentist , he assessed my symptoms. He made me my mouth piece and it has been an amazing last two months . I am able to hear again, my headaches have gone away, my shoulder and wrist do not hurt anymore. I finally feel normal again . The symptoms I lived with are gone . I am very thankful for this Doctor and his sweet staff.

- Stephanie L

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Dr. Urbanek & TMJ Services of Brentwood have been miracle workers for me. I came in the office in extreme pain- jaw pain, headaches, neck pain & could barely open my mouth. I was eating soft foods only because I couldn’t stand the pain of chewing. Dr. Urbanek & his team fitted me with my mouth guard & I prayed it would work. Today I am so thankful for Dr. Urbanek & my mouth guard. They have given me so much relief from my mouth, jaw & neck pain! I will be forever grateful to this team!!

- Laurie S

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

My jaw was popping out of joint and it was very painful even to eat bread after 3 weeks of wearing my devise I have 99% improvement. I have full range of motion back the divide is comfortable and easy to use. I could not be happier. Thank you so very much.

- Gregory B

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I was referred to TMJ Services by my physician. I was having pain and difficulties fully opening my mouth. After just a couple of months wearing the device, my range of motion was restored and I am pain free. Treatment has been a complete success.

- Joe W

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I came in with severe jaw pain and because of this I was having trouble eating/ opening and closing my mouth. After using my retainer for three months I have been able to eat anything I want and my jaw rarely hurts anymore. This retainer was amazing and helped my life tremendously.

- Madison J

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I came in with radiating pain through my upper and lower teeth with jaw popping. After wearing the device for three weeks I have no more pain.

- Mindy W

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I’m have dealt with problems with tinnitus, headaches and jaw locking for a few years and theses problems have gone away after using the services and jaw devices here.

- Leanne K

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Symptoms pretty much gone only one month with the device, after over a year with jaw pain.

- Claire K

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Highly professional. No longer have jaw and ear pain. Very knowledgeable.

- Robert V

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Overall I highly recommend Dr Urbanek’s treatment. I started off with a very painful bite and little range of motion, and now, 3 months after using the device, I feel like I am almost back to normal again. The device is a great alternative to surgery, and after time my mouth really got used to the feeling of it. It’s a slower process then I originally thought it would be but it’s so convenient and I testify to the fact that it works.

- Katelyn H

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

When’I first came to Dr I could not open my mouth or eat ; I was in terrible pain if I yawned it was so painful since I have been under the Doctor care; I have been given a second chance in life n I feel amazing he’s a great Doc n I Thank God I was sent to him n he got right to the source of the problem it really works he’s great ️️️️️

- Beverly M

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

Device has been a lifesaver, hopefully in the future dentist will understand the importance. No more pain, gave me my life back

- Brittany D

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I have hurt for years with TMJ and honestly when I came in 3 weeks ago I was ready submit to any treatment necessary to get relief. And gratefully simply wearing this device has Improved my situation about 90% already. I’m so thankful to have found this doctor and clinic.

- Sarah L

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I struggled with jaw pain, teeth grinding, clenching and headaches for years until my mother suggested a visit with Dr Urbanek. He gave me the TMJ device and my symptoms have improved greatly. I appreciate the excellent care from Dr. Urbanek and all of his staff.

- Kyla C

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I came to TMJ services with several bad symptoms of pain and ear discomfort. After using the device for 2 months I have significant improvement with virtually no pain in eating and freedom from ear discomfort. In my case I have been very satisfied with the care and concern shown by the entire staff. Very professional in all their dealings.

- Jack W

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

First off every one is the office is amazing ,both Drs and all the staff so caring and friendly. I came from a friends recommendation after suffering for 15 plus years and too many mouth guards too count, after getting the device within weeks my symptoms of jaw pain, teeth pain, headaches, earaches were gone .. I’m was shocked.. I’m now 2 months in and I don’t get pain at all . I will never not have this device or go a day without wearing it

- Dana B

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

I have had severer TMJ symptoms, progressing over the past 4 years. I was involuntary clenching my jaw through the day and grinding my teeth at night. The worst symptom I experienced was the clicking and popping that was experienced while eating or talking. After using the device for only 3 weeks, I felt an immense improvement in my symptoms. The clicking and popping had mostly stopped, and I could open my mouth without pain. After 6 weeks, all painful symptoms have cleared, and I have found that my jaw no longer stayed clenched through the day.

- Kensley Y

5 out of 5 stars on

Our Latest Patient Testimonial

In the beginning after wearing the device I was a little sore, but after a few days I felt much better. My symptoms began to subside, almost immediately. Now after only three weeks if I’m not wearing the device, I’m ready to put it back in. No more pain in my ears and I now can sleep on my side again, if I choose. I am so thankful and appreciative of the care, time and kindness of Dr. Urbanek and his wonderful staff. My improvement is almost 100 percent.

- Sharon K

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